Developing Your Narrative
As the main characters in our own life stories, we often get so tied into the plot and what’s happening in the moment. Maybe you’re feeling a sense of overwhelming worry or anxiety in the moment you’re living. Or, maybe you have lost track of the meaning behind the suffering day in and day out. Perhaps life feels like a movie that’s happening to you, rather than you actually being a part of it.
Whatever the case, seeing your own life story through a different perspective—like an “aerial perspective”—may help you get out of the rut you’re in. Go through each step as seen in the graphic posted on this page to help you put on the aerial perspective and grow some distance from the moments that overwhelm you. From there, it may make it much easier to see that this moment that seems to be so overwhelming, is actually a compilation of many moments that lead you to higher places.
For more Narrative Therapy resources, just wait…they’re comin’!